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We asked thousands of our rabbit friends for name ideas for a new American Fuzzy Lop Bunny, and you’re going to find their best ideas below.
Some are cute while others are just sweet. Ten are so unique that we’ve never heard of them before. How about you?
If you have an American Fuzzy Lop Bunny, please sure your bunny’s name in the comments below. If you don’t have a Fuzzy Lop, just share some other name ideas in the comments.
List of 200+ American Fuzzy Lop Name Ideas
We’ve broken the names down by the sex of your new American Fuzzy Lop Bunny and where appropriate we’ve included either the definition or the bunny ‘nick-name’ in parentheses.
Let’s start with the bunny name ideas for female rabbits.
Girl Fuzzy Lop Rabbit Names
Amada (Worthy Of Love) |
Annie |
Aria |
Audrey Hepburn (Dre) |
Aurora |
Autumn |
Ava Gardner |
Babe |
Berta |
Bette Davis |
Betty Grable |
Betty White |
Blanche |
Bobby Bear |
Bonny |
Bonny The Bearded Lady |
Cali |
CeCe |
Cecilia (Blind To Ones Own Beauty) |
Chloe |
Daisy |
Dawn |
DeeDee |
Destiny |
Diana (Di) |
Doris Day |
Dorothy |
Erina |
Faith |
Fauna |
Freja |
Glitter |
Grace |
Grace Kelly |
Harley (Harliquin) |
Hattie |
Hazel |
Hazel Nut |
Her Majasity |
Hermione |
Hope |
Jenifer (Jen) |
Jessica Rabbit (Jess) |
Katy (Katharine Hepburn) |
Kayla |
Kaylee |
La Chica Dorada |
Lady |
Lady Diana |
Layla |
Lola |
Lovely Lucy |
Lucille Ball |
Mae West |
Maizy |
Malina |
Marilyn Monroe |
Matilda (Tilly) |
Millie |
Morgan |
Ms Davis (Your Last Name) |
Nala |
Niyati (Fate) |
Patty |
Queen Elizabeth (Lizy) |
Rain |
Rita Hayworth |
Rose |
Rose |
Rosemary |
Ruby |
Sophia |
Stella |
Sweetpea |
Twiggy |
Vivien Leigh |
Wilma |
Windy |
Zena |
Boy Fuzzy Lop Rabbit Names
Alexander The Great (Alex) |
Amora |
Archie |
Bear Claw |
Bert |
Bugs |
Bull Mastof Mini |
Cary Grant |
Charlie Chaplin |
Clark Gable |
Dandy Dan |
Dainty Danny |
Duke Davis (Your Last Name) |
Edward The Longshank |
Fast Eddy |
Flip |
Flynn |
Groucho Marx |
Hairy |
Hamace |
Highlander |
Humphery Bogart (Boggy) |
Imp |
Jack |
James Dean |
John Snow |
John Wayne |
Joker |
Juliet |
Jumping James |
King Edward (Eddy) |
King Henry The Eighth (Henry) |
Lord Davis (Your Last Name) |
Mad-Eye Max |
Marlon Brando |
Merlin |
Ned |
Noble |
Oak |
Oakley |
Pan |
Pistol Pete |
Popeye |
Poppy |
Prince Phylip |
Randy |
Rasti (Found) |
Rock Hudson |
Rocky |
Rodger Rabbit |
Romeo |
Sir Hopalot (Hops) |
Skip |
Stan |
Starks |
Steel |
Terry Terror |
Thunder |
Tramp |
Whiskey |
William Walace |
Winter |
Wolf (Wolf Boy) |
Unisex Names For A Fuzzy Lop Rabbit
Almond Joy |
Bobo |
Bramble |
Brave Heart |
Buttercup |
Cammy (Caramel) |
Cat |
Chacha |
Charm |
Chief |
Church |
Cloudy |
Clover |
Cookie |
Daffodil |
Dog |
Dreamy |
Flame |
Flip |
Forrest |
Friday |
Frost |
Fudge Ripple |
Galaxy |
Gandorf |
Garland |
Gypsy |
Hayseed |
Heart |
Hobo |
Holiday |
Jiggy (Dance A Jig) |
Joy |
Jupiter |
Kia |
Lacey |
Lucky |
Luna |
Matty |
Meteor |
Mini Mia |
Miracle |
Muffin |
Mystic |
Nala |
Nightmare |
Nova (New) |
Nutmeg |
Opal |
Pandora |
Petal |
Potato |
Precious |
Pumpkin Pie |
Reeses |
Roadie |
Rocks |
Rouge |
Sage |
Saturn |
Serendipity |
Skippy |
Snoopy |
Snuffles |
Snuggles |
Solice |
Sox |
Stormy |
Summer |
Summer Solstice |
Sunday |
Sunny |
Sunrise |
Sunset |
Sunshine |
Tot |
Tuesday |
Uniqee |
Vagabond |
Whimsy |
Winter Daze |
Winter Solstice |
Wonder |
Zara (New Beginning) |
I hope you found your bunny’s name on this list, and if you didn’t, I hope you’ll share your new American Fuzzy Lop’s name with your rabbit friends here at RabbitPros.com.
Just leave a comment below or if you want to share your bunny’s picture jump over to our Rabbit Pros Group On Facebook.