Recommended Rabbit Food - Rabbit Pros

Recommended Rabbit Food

Rabbits should be fed a combination of Hay, Pellet’s, and Snacks. They should have continuous access to hay, daily pellets, and occasional snacks to remain lean and healthy.

For each of these types of rabbit feed, you should choose the highest quality feed that fits within your budget.

I have included links to these products on Amazon because a lot of us find it easy to shop on Amazon. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases at no additional cost to you. However, many of these products are cheaper on

I’m going to include links to chewy in case you want to check current prices there too.

Best Rabbit Hay

I used to buy generic timothy hay, but we found that many of our rabbits wouldn’t eat it very well.

Then I started trying other brands of hay and was honestly a little shocked to see how much hay could actually vary.

My go-to hay is now Oxbow Timothy Hay.

When you open the bag, you’ll smell the difference. This hay smells fresh and even has a sweet aroma.

Then when you feed your bunny, you’ll notice the next big difference. Way less dust and small pieces of hay that are going to make a bigger mess.

P.S. Oxbow offers other types of hay too, and all of them are high-quality and fun changes of diet for your bunny. I buy big bags of the Timothy Hay, and occasional small bags of the other types to give our bunnies some variety.

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Best Rabbit Pellet

Once again, years ago I started out feeding generic but once I found the Oxbow hay, I tried their pellets as well.

They are better. Cleaner ingredients and less dust.

Our rabbit’s coats are shiny and soft, and I think a lot of that is because of the high-quality pellets we buy them.

Keep in mind that you are not going to be giving your bunny free access to pellets. Rabbits should eat 1/4 cup of pellets daily per 6 pounds.

For a single 6 pound rabbit (medium size) a 10-pound bag will last about 2.5 months. 25 pounds of pellets will last you about 1/2 a year!

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Best Rabbit Snacks

The best rabbit snacks are fresh or dried fruits, flowers, and weeds.

Don’t buy rabbit snacks, instead just give your bunny a small amount of fresh or frozen fruit, dried apple or bananas slices, or a handful of garden weeds occasionally.