Disclosure: We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post.
Bunny rabbits are great pets and we’re so excited that you’re considering getting a pet bunny! Below you’ll find lists of female bunny names to help you find the perfect name for your new bunny.
Our lists of bunny names for girls include:
- Cool Girl Rabbit Name Ideas
- Cute Girl Rabbit Name Ideas
- Funny Girl Rabbit Name Ideas
- Unique Girl Rabbit Name Ideas
- Easter Girl Rabbit Name Ideas
- Popular Girl Rabbit Name Ideas by Beginning Letter
Our last list of bunny names is the Top 10 Girl Bunny Names. To create this list, we polled thousands of our bunny friends and collected the 10 most common girl bunny names to create this list. To get this list asked the rabbit lovers in our rabbit group on Facebook, as well as those who we email with.
We also asked rabbit lovers in other groups and on social media. You’re going to be surprised by some of the 10 Ten girl rabbit names.
We can’t wait to hear what you decided to name, just let us know in the comments below or in our group on Facebook.
As you plan for your new pet bunny, I encourage you to take a look at our Recommended Rabbit Gear. Those pages include everything you need to take care of your new bunny and make their life and yours even more healthy, happy, and joy-filled.
At the end of this article, you’ll also find links to a few more great articles for new bunny owners. If you don’t find everything you need to know for your new bunny, contact us!
Now, on to the girl rabbit name lists!

170 Cool Girl Bunny Names
- Amadeus
- Anastasia
- Arya Stark (GoT)
- Astrid
- Aurora
- Aurora (X-Men)
- Azure
- Bandit
- Banshee
- Bella Thorne (Red Head)
- Bellatrix (From Harry Potter)
- Bernadette Peters (Red Head)
- Bette Midler (Red Head)
- Betty White (Actress)
- Beyonce
- Black Betty
- Black Widow
- Blanca
- Bordeaux
- Brandy
- Brienne Of Tarth (GoT)
- Burgundy
- Cabaret
- Cayenne
- Cersei Lannister (GoT)
- Champagne
- Chantilly
- Chardonnay
- Cherry
- Cosmos
- Cruella
- Frozen
- Grace Adler (Red Head)
- Gray Wind (From GOT)
- Gwendolyn
- Gypsy Rose
- Hemera (Greek Goddess)
- Hera (Goddess)
- Hex
- Ice Queen
- Indigo (Or Indie)
- Jazz
- Jean Gray (X-Men)
- Lightning
- Lilith
- Lotus
- Malbec
- Maleficent
- Maureen O’Hara (Red Head)
- Merlot
- Milky Way
- Mimosa
- Monarch (like Monarch Butterfly)
- Muse
- Mystery
- Mystique (X-Men)
- Night
- Nova
- Olive
- Onyx
- Opal
- Pinot (Pinot Grigio)
- Poison
- Psylocke (X-Men)
- Raven
- Riesling
- Sansa Stark (GoT)
- Sasha
- Savvy (Sauvignon Blanc)
- Scarlet Witch (X-Men)
- Scorch
- Shiraz
- Silhouette
- Siren
- Starling (Black Bird)
- Starry
- Succubus
- Sundance
- Sunrise
- Sunset
- Voodoo
- Yasmin
- Ygritte
- Za Za
- Zelda

86 Cute Girl Bunny Names
- Abracadabra
- Al Bino
- Allie Baster (Alabaster)
- Barcode
- Bebe
- Betty Boop
- Binky
- Black Eyed Pea
- Bluebell
- Buttercream
- Buttons
- Cloudy
- Cottonball
- Cottontail
- Cream Puff
- Cupcake
- Cutesy McCutie
- Cutie
- Dolly
- Dora The Explorer
- Dorito
- Dot
- Dottie
- Dotty
- Dynamite
- Elphaba (Bunny In Wicked)
- Fiona (From Shrek)
- Fluffer
- Foxy
- Freckles
- Frenchy
- Frito
- Ginger Spice
- Gingersnap
- Hip Hop
- Hocus Pocus
- Honey
- Hopper
- Jitterbug
- Lovie
- Lucky
- Marbles
- Marshmallow
- Mi Mi
- Monkey
- Mrs. Rabbit
- My Clementine
- Noodles
- Pebbles
- Peppa
- Peppermint
- Pickles
- Pinky
- Pippi Longstocking
- Pirate Queen
- Pistachio
- Pooh Bear
- Poppy
- Potato Salad
- Powder Puff
- Princes Fergie
- Princess
- Punkin
- Puzzles
- Q-tip
- Sas (Or Sassy)
- Skid Mark
- Skitter
- Snow White
- Snow/Snowball
- Snowball
- Snowflake
- Snowgies (From Frozen)
- Snuggles
- Sparkle
- Sparky
- Sprinkles
- Spuds
- Squeakers
- Strawberry Shortcake
- Sugar
- Sugar Cookie
- Sweetie
- Tinker Bell
- Vortex
- Zigzag
“Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen.”
John Steinbeck
122 Funny Girl Bunny Names
- A-leash-a Keys
- Almond Joy
- Amelia Earhare
- Anita Rabbit
- Anne Harethaway
- Ariana Bunde
- Baa-Baa Black Sheep
- Bamboo
- Barbie
- Billie Bunny Eilish
- Blizzy
- Blot
- Bolt (From Disney)
- Bon Bon
- Bones
- Boo
- Boomer
- Bouncer
- Bubbles
- Bullet
- Bun-be-leaf-able
- Bunderful
- Bunderwhere
- Bunilla Ice
- Bunnicula
- Bunnycé
- Bunoncé Knowles
- Bunstoppable
- Burbun
- Burbunny
- Cadbury
- Cantaloupe
- Carrot
- Charmin
- Cheeto
- Chelsea Bun
- Cherry Pie
- Chicita
- Chili
- Chocolate Chip
- Chocolate Pez Dispenser
- Christina Bugsuilera
- Cinnabun
- Dingy
- Dirty Dorthy
- Drool Barrymore
- Dust Bunny
- Elizabunth Warren
- Eva Longhareia
- Floppy Furgie
- Flufflestiltskin
- Fluffytailer Swift
- Fuzzy
- Greta Bunberg
- Hare-Hare
- Hareiet Buncher Stowe
- Hareiet Thumpman
- Hareshey’s Chocolate
- Hop Tart
- Hopps Don’t Lie
- Hot Cross Bun
- Ice Ice Baby
- Inkblot
- Jane Doe
- Jeanna Pooper
- Jessica Rabbit (Red Head)
- Jessie J Jumps
- Julia Rabbits
- Jumpifer Aniston
- Jumpifer Jones
- Jumpifer Lawrence
- Jumpifer Lopez
- Jumping JoJo
- Klondike
- Kylie Bunner
- Loki
- Lucille Ball (Red Head)
- Macaroni
- Malala Yousofuzzi
- Marilyn Bunroe
- Marvelous Ms Maple
- Mary Maid
- Milkshake
- MooMoo
- Ms President
- Nibbler
- Oprah Winfur
- Peppermint Patty
- Pepperoni
- Pepsi
- Playgirl Bunny
- Pretty Woman
- Puff The Magic Rabbit
- Queenie
- Raggedy Ann
- Raspberry
- Rorschach (Test)
- Salty
- Scarlett Johopsson
- Shakira Hoppy
- Shorty
- Skittles
- Skunk
- Smarty
- Smurfette
- Sneaky
- Some Bunny
- Sonic
- Stitch (From Lilo & Stitch)
- Sunny D
- Sweet Potato
- Taylor Swiftjumps
- The Chosen Bun
- Tic Tac
- Tabasco
- Toffee
- Tofu
- Tomato
- TP (Toilet Paper)
- Wiggles
- Wilma (Flintstone)

“Okay Okay I’m shuttin’ up. Why should I continue to keep yappin’ when I’m told to shut up. I’m not the kind that don’t know when to stop.”
Bugs bunny
147 Unique Girl Bunny Names
- Acacia (Honorable in Greek)
- Adriana (Black in Latin)
- Aiko (Beloved in Japanese)
- Aka (Black in Uzbek)
- Altan (Red Dawn In Turkish)
- Alyson Hannigan (Red Head)
- Amaya (Night Rain in Japanese)
- Amora
- Ann Margaret (Red Head)
- Artemis (Moon Goddess)
- Astrid (Beautiful in Scandinavian)
- Athena (Goddess)
- Azul (Blue In Spanish)
- Azur (Black in Egyptian)
- Bahari (Sea In Swahili)
- Belle Fille (Beautiful In French)
- Bla (Blue In Swedish)
- Blau (Blue In German)
- Bleu (Blue In French)
- Bluu (Blue In Swahili)
- Cabernet
- Cecily Parsley
- Celeste (Blue in Spanish)
- Cher (Snow In Russian)
- Ciel (Sky In French)
- Cielo (Sky In Spanish)
- Ciggy
- Cirrus (Type Of Cloud)
- Conejito (Bunny In Spanish)
- Coniglietta (Bunny In Italian)
- Da Bao (Big Bunny in Chinese)
- Dee (Dark in Welsh)
- Deva (Hindu Moon Goddess)
- Eis (Ice In German)
- Ewan McGregor (Red Head)
- Fennec (type of fox)
- Fergie (Red Head)
- Feu (Fire In French)
- Feuer (Fire In German)
- Fia (Dark in Gaelic)
- Froid (Cold In Swedish)
- Fuego (Fire in Spanish)
- Gelo (Ice In Portuguese)
- Häschen (Bunny In German)
- Havet (Sea In Swedish)
- Himlen (Sky In Swedish)
- Hiver (Winter In French)
- Iggy (Igloo)
- Ijs (Ice In Duch)
- Invierno (Winter In Spanish)
- Jessica Chastain (Red Head)
- Jetta (Jet Black in Latin)
- Julia Roberts (Red Head)
- Kallt (Cold In Swedish)
- Kapa (Black in Kazakh)
- Katniss (From Hunger Games)
- Kenzie (Fair One In Scottish)
- Khaleesi (Queen in GoT)
- Kim Kardearsian
- Konijn (Bunny in Dutch)
- Kuro (Black In Japanese)
- Kylo (From Star Wars)
- Lana Del Rey (Red Head)
- Lapin (Bunny In French)
- Lapis Lazuli (Gemstone)
- Lawine (Avalanche In Dutch)
- Leila (Night In Hebrew)
- Lindsey Lohan (Red Head)
- Lola (Space Jam)
- Lolo (Red in Romani)
- Lulu (Rabbit In Native American)
- Luna (Moon In Spanish)
- Maelona (Pincess in Welsh)
- Mar (Sea In Spanish)
- Maraschino (Mara)
- Mary Jane Watson (Red Head)
- Melanie (Dark Skinned in Latin)
- Mer (Sea In French)
- Mileap Cyrus
- Minnie Pearl (From Yee Haw)
- Miranda Hobbs (Red Head)
- Molly Ringwald (Red Head)
- Momo (peach in Japanese)
- Moneypenny (From James Bond)
- Morticia (From the Adams Family!)
- Ms. Frizzle (From Magic School Bus)
- Musta (Black in Finnish)
- Mystique (From X-Man)
- Na’vi (From Avatar)
- Nakia (From Black Panther)
- Nala (Simba’s Wife)
- Naomi Judd (Red Head)
- Neige (Snow In French)
- Nero (Black In Italian)
- Nieve (Snow In Spanish)
- Nisha (Night in Sanskrit)
- Noche (Night In Spanish)
- Noir (Black In French)
- Notte (Night In Italian)
- Nuit (Night In French)
- Ophelia
- Ossidiana (Obsedian In Italian)
- Papier (Paper In French)
- Pearl (as in a black pearl)
- Perle Noire (Black Pearl In French)
- Preto (Black In Portuguese)
- Queen Elizabeth
- Ramanda (Queen Of Wakanda)
- Reba McEntire (Red Head)
- Rogue (X-Men)
- Rossa (Red In Italian)
- Rot (Red In German)
- Rouge (Red In French)
- Rowan (Red One in Gaelic)
- Ruadh (Red Hair In Gaelic)
- Ruby (From Max & Ruby)
- Rufus (Red Haired In Latin)
- Sansa Stark (From GOT)
- Scarlet Witch (Red Head)
- Scarlett Johansson
- Schnee (Snow In German)
- Selene (From Underworld)
- Shani (Red In Hebrew)
- Sharon Osbourne
- Sheba (African Queen)
- Shirley MacLaine
- Sneeuw (Snow In Duch)
- Sno (Snow In Swedish)
- Sophie Turner
- Stella
- Stratus (Type Of Cloud)
- Sungura (Bunny In Swahili)
- Susan Sarandon
- Sven (From Frozen)
- T’ Challa (King Of Wakanda)
- Teina (Black In Maori)
- Tiatian (Fairy Queen)
- Topaz (Gemstone)
- Trinity (From The Matrix)
- Usagi (Japanese for Bunny)
- Usiku (Night In Swahili)
- Vintern (Winter In Swedish)
- Wilma Flintstone (Red Head)
- Wynonna Judd (Red Head)
- Xena
- Zafiro (Sapphire In Spanish)
- Mond (Moon In German)

39 Easter & Spring Girl Bunny Names
Lots of people get new pet bunnies on and around Easter each year. When picking out names for your new pet Easter Bunny, you can choose from any of the lists of names on this page, or you could choose a rabbit name based upon the color of your pet Easter rabbit, or you could choose a name that will always remind you that your sweet pet bun was an Easter Rabbit.
- Angel
- April
- Blossom
- Blue Bell
- Cadbury
- Daisy
- Dandelion
- Easter
- Eden
- Eggie
- Faith
- Flower
- Hibiscus (Flower)
- Hyacinth (Flower)
- Hydrangea (Blue Flower)
- Iris (Flower)
- Ishtar
- Lavernia (Spring Baby in French)
- Lilac
- Marigold
- Nigella (Blue Flower)
- Nuovo
- Omen
- Orchid
- Ostara
- Ostern (German)
- Pascha (Greek)
- Peep
- Peony
- Petunia (Blue Flower)
- Primrose (or Prim)
- Robin
- Sprig
- Tazia (Will Be Reborn in Italian)
- Tulip
- Verbena (Flower)
- Veronica (Flower)
- Vita
- Willow

730 Popular Girl Bunny Names
These are some of the most popular names for girl rabbits, but not the most popular. To make it easier, we’ve broken it down by the starting letter for each girl rabbit name idea.
Check out this list, but keep scrolling down to find the Top 10 Girl Bunny Names.
Girl Rabbit Names That Beginning With A
- Abby
- Abe
- Ablaze
- Adelaide
- Adele
- Aisha
- Alabaster
- Alani (Orange Tree In Hawaiian)
- Alba
- Albina
- Alex
- Ali
- Alice
- Altoid
- Alva
- Amalia
- Amara
- Amber
- Amber Rose (Red Head)
- Amy Adams (Red Head)
- Andra
- Anemone
- Anise
- Annabell
- Anne (Of Green Gables)
- Annie
- Aphrodite
- Apollo
- Apollo (Red Head)
- Apple
- Apricot
- Aqua
- Aquamarine
- Arabella
- Arctic
- Arden
- Ares
- Ariel (Red Head)
- Arizona
- Artic
- Arya
- Ash
- Asher
- Ashes
- Ashley
- Aspen
- Aster
- Astra
- Astral
- Atticus
- Aubrey
- Auburn
- Aurelia
- Autumn
- Ava
- Avalanche
- Avery
- Avril
Girl Rabbit Names Beginning With B
- Bailey
- Basil
- Beau
- Becky
- Belinda
- Bella
- Belva
- Bertha
- Betsy
- Betty
- Bianca
- Bianco
- Binx
- Birch
- Biscuit
- Black
- Black Pearl
- Blanche
- Blanco
- Blaze
- Blizzard
- Blondie
- Bloom
- Blue
- Blue Star
- Blue Velvet
- Blueberry
- Blush
- Bonnie
- Bootleg
- Boots
- Brenna / Brena
- Bridget
- Brielle
- Brienne
- Brighton
- Brin
- Buster
- Buttercup
- Butterschotch
Girl Rabbit Names Beginning With C
- Calla
- Calla lily
- Camellia
- Camille
- Carbon
- Carly
- Carmine
- Carnation
- Cashew
- Casper (friendly ghost)
- Cauliflour
- Cersei
- Chalk
- Chalky
- Chandra
- Char
- Charcoal
- Charlotte
- Chesnut
- Chevron
- Chilly
- China
- Chip
- Chloe
- Chocolate
- Chowder
- Chrissy
- Ciara
- Cider
- Cinder
- Cinnamon
- Citrus
- Clara
- Claudia
- Clear
- Clifford
- Cloud
- Clover
- Coal
- Cobalt
- Coco
- Cocoa
- Coconut
- Coffee
- Cokey
- Comet
- Cookie
- Cookies n’ Cream
- Coolwhip
- Copper
- Cora
- Coral
- Cornflower
- Cosmo
- Cotton
- Coven
- Crackers
- Cranberry
- Cream
- Creamer
- Creamsicle
- Creamy
- Crest
- Crimson
- Cringle
- Crispin
- Crow
- Crown
- Crystal
- Currant
- Curry
Girl Rabbit Names Beginning With D
- Daenerys Targaryen (GoT)
- Daffodil
- Dahlia
- Dakota
- Damia
- Damien
- Daphne
- Darcy
- Davina
- Dawn
- Delia
- Delilah
- Denali
- Denim
- Desert
- Diamond
- Divya
- Domino
- Dove
- Downy
- Dusk
- Dusky
- Dusty
“Here I go with the timid little woodland creature bit again. It’s shameful, but…eh, it’s a living.”
Bugs bunny
Girl Rabbit Names Beginning With E
- Ebon
- Ebony
- Eclipse
- Egg Nog
- Ego
- Eightball
- Electra
- Elise
- Ellie
- Elvira
- Ember
- Emery
- Emma Frost (X-Men)
- Emma Stone
- Enigma
- Espresso
- Estella
- Etta
- Eve
- Everest
- Evie
Girl Rabbit Names Beginning With F
- Fairy
- Falcon
- Fanta
- Farrah
- Fedoria
- Fern
- Fire
- Fireball
- Firecracker
- Firefly
- Firefox
- Firestarter
- Firewall
- Flame
- Flora
- Florence
- Flossy
- Flour
- Flurry
- Foam
- Fog
- Foggy
- Fox
- Foxtrot
- Frankie
- Freeze
- Fresh
- Fressia
- Freya
- Friday
- Frosty
- Fuchsia
- Fudge
- Fuji
- Furby
Girl Rabbit Names Beginning With G
- Gabe
- Gabriel
- Gabrielle
- Galaxy
- Garbo
- Garnet
- Gem
- Gemila
- Genvieve
- Georgie
- Gigi
- Ginger
- Glint
- Glit
- Glitter
- Glory
- Gloss
- Godiva
- Godzilla
- Goldfish
- Goldie
- Goliath
- Good Natt (Night In Swedish)
- Goth
- Grace
- Gracie
- Granite
- Graphite
- Greenland
- Greta
- Gwen
Girl Rabbit Names Beginning With H
- Halo
- Harmony
- Harper
- Harriet
- Harvest
- Haze
- Hazel
- Heather
- Hefty
- Heinz
- Henna
- Herbivore
- Holly
- Holstein
- Hope
- Hope Summers (X-Men)
- Hops
- Horchata
- Hydrangea
Girl Rabbit Names Beginning With I
- Ianco
- Ice
- Ice Cube
- Ice T
- Icee
- Iceland
- Icelyn
- Iceman
- Ichabod
- Icicle
- Icing
- Icy
- Igor
- Imogen
- Inaba
- Inferno
- Ink
- Inkwell
- Inky
- Ire
- Iris
- Isa
- Isabelle/Isabella
- Isla
- Ivory
- Ivy

Girl Rabbit Names Beginning With J
- Jada
- Jaguar
- Jam
- January
- Jasmine
- Jasper
- Java
- Jean
- Jeeves
- Jelly
- Jellybean
- Jesper
- Jessica
- Jessie
- Jet
- Judas
- Juhi
- Julius
- Junior Mint
- Juniper
- Justin
Girl Rabbit Names Beginning With K
- Kaia
- Kalulu
- Karla
- Kat
- Kaz
- Keira
- Ketchup
- Keva
- Kiara
- King
- Kip
- Kira
- Kiss
- Kiwi
- Kona
- Krissy (Krystal)
- Kumquat
- Kyra
Girl Rabbit Names Beginning With L
- Lace
- Lacey
- Lady
- Ladybug
- Lake
- Lara
- Laser
- Latte
- Lava
- Lavender
- Layla
- Lilly
- Lily
- Liquorice
- Lita
- Lobster
- Lois Griffin (Red Head)
- Lottie
- Love
- Lucy
- Lumi
- Lyra
Girl Rabbit Names Beginning With M
- Mable
- Mack
- Mackenzie
- Madam President
- Maddie
- Maeve
- Magenta
- Maggie
- Magic
- Magnolia
- Magpie
- Mahogany
- Mai Tai
- Malachi
- Mango
- Maple
- Marceline
- Marcia Cross (Red Head)
- Marge
- Marmalade
- Marmite
- Maroon
- Mars
- Marzipan or Marzibean
- Maverick
- Maya
- Mayo
- Meezer
- Meira
- Merida
- Meringue
- Meryl
- Mickey
- Midnight
- Miffy
- Miley
- Milky
- Milly
- Mimi
- Minnie
- Mischa
- Missy
- Misty
- Mittens
- Mocha
- Mochi
- Moki
- Monochrome
- Moon
- Moonflower
- Moonlight
- Moonshine
- Moscato
- Moss
- Motley
- Mouse
- Muffin
- Myra

Girl Rabbit Names Beginning With N
- Naila
- Naomi
- Narisse
- Nemesis
- Nemo
- Neo
- Nerissa
- Nerrine
- Nevada
- Neve
- Nina
- Ninja
- Nixie
- Noel
- Noelle
- Noodle
- Nutmeg
- Nyda
- Nyx
Girl Rabbit Names Beginning With O
- Oakley
- Obsidian
- Ocean
- Oceano
- Octavia
- Oden
- Odie
- OJ
- Opus
- Orange
- Orange Soda
- Orangina
- Orca
- Oreo
- Orion
- Orpheus
- Orson Welles
- Osiris
- Ossie
Girl Rabbit Names Beginning With P
- Pancake
- Panda
- Pansy
- Panther
- Pants
- Papaya
- Paprika
- Paris
- Pascal
- Pasha
- Paste
- Patches
- Patty
- Payton
- Peach
- Peach Cobbler
- Peaches
- Peachy
- Peanut
- Pearl
- Penelope
- Penguin
- Penny
- Pepper
- Pepper Ann
- Persephone
- Persia
- Persimmon
- Petal
- Peter Pan
- Phantom
- Phoebe
- Phoenix
- Piano
- Pilly
- Pingu
- Pip
- Piper
- Pippa
- Pitch
- Pitch Dark
- Pixel
- Pluto
- Poe
- Pogo
- Polar Bear
- Pomegranate
- Poof
- Popcorn
- Poppet
- Popsicle
- Porcelain
- Porkchop
- Powder
- Prince
- Puck (From Shakespeare)
- Puffin
- Puma
- Pumpkin
- Pumpkin Pie
- Pumpkin Pudding
- Pumpkin Spice
- Puto
Girl Rabbit Names Beginning With Q
- Quartz
- Queen
- Quinn

Girl Rabbit Names Beginning With R
- Rae
- Rain
- Raindrop
- Rainy
- Raisin
- Raja
- Rhonda
- Rhubarb
- Ribbons
- Rice
- River
- Rojo (Red In Spanish)
- Rooibos
- Rory (Red King In Irish)
- Rosaleen (Or Rosa)
- Rose
- Rosebud
- Rosie
- Rosso or Rossi
- Rosy
- Roxie
- Roxy
- Ruby
- Rumi
Girl Rabbit Names Beginning With S
- Sable
- Sabrina
- Sadie
- Sadness (From Inside Out)
- Saffron
- Saffy
- Sage
- Sahara
- Salem
- Sally
- Salsa
- Salt & Pepper
- Sands
- Sandy
- Sangria
- Sapphire
- Sarge
- Saskia
- Satin
- Satine
- Saturn
- Scarlett
- Scrabble
- Shadow
- Shady
- Shakti
- Shamu
- Sherah
- Sherbet
- Shine
- Shiny
- Shiro
- Shreya
- Sienna
- Silky
- Siloh
- Ski
- Sky
- Skylar
- Slate
- Sloe
- Smokey
- Snickers
- Snow
- Snow Cap
- Snow Drift
- Snowman
- Snowmobile
- Snowstorm
- Snowy
- Socks
- Sol
- Sooty
- Sorrell
- Sox
- Spade
- Speedy
- Spider
- Spirit
- Spooky
- Spot
- Squash
- Stain
- Star
- Starless
- Starlight
- Starstruck
- Storm
- Stormy
- Stout
- Strawberry
- Summer
- Sunflower
- Sunshine
- Super Nova
- Swarty
- Swirl
Girl Rabbit Names Beginning With T
- Tabbytha
- Tabitha
- Tabitha (Red Head)
- Talcum
- Tang
- Tangerine
- Tango
- Tank
- Tapioca
- Tar
- Targaryen
- Tarte
- Terra
- Tessie
- Tiara
- Tiffany
- Tika
- Tilly
- Tink
- Tint
- Tipper
- Treacle
- Tree
- Trinket
- Trixie
- Truffle
- Truffles
- Twilight
- Twinkle
- Twizzler
Girl Rabbit Names Beginning With U
- Ursula
- Usher
Girl Rabbit Names Beginning With V
- Valentina
- Valentine
- Valley
- Vanilla
- Vapor
- Vega
- Velveeta
- Velvet
- Venom
- Venus
- Vera
- Vermillion
- Vesta
- Vinca
- Vintage
- Violet
- Vodka
Girl Rabbit Names Beginning With W
- Waffles
- Wanda
- Whisper
- White Wolf
- Whitey
- Whoopie
- Willa
- Windy
- Winnie
- Winter
- Wisteria
- Witchy
- Wizard
- Wren
Girl Rabbit Names Beginning With X
- Xanadu
- Xantha
- Xena
- Xenia
- Xia
- Xisoir
- XL
- Xpress
- X-Ray
- XSmall
- Xtra
- XtraSmall
- Xylia
Girl Rabbit Names Beginning With Y
- Yara
- Yaz
- Yedda
- Yeezy
- Yeti
- Ying-Yang
- Yogurt
- Yucca
- Yuki
- Yukon
- Yuri
Girl Rabbit Names Beginning With Z
- Zara
- Zee
- Zinnia
- Zoey
- Zola
- Zorro
- Zula
- Zuri (From Black Panther)

Top 10 Girl Bunny Name: The Most Popular Girl Bunny Names
We have finally arrived at the Top 10 Girl Rabbit Names. We asked thousands of our rabbit friends on our email list, our group on Facebook, and in other rabbit, communities to share the name of their girl rabbit. We compiled all the data, and here is the list of the 10 Most Popular Girl Rabbit Names.
Some of the most popular female bunny names had a number of variations, so we lumped them together in our count.
1. Belle
2. Bun Bun / Bun / Bunn Bunn
3. Nibbles
4. Fluffy / Fluffers
5. Bunny
6. Elsa
7. Beauty
8. Flopsy / Flops
9. Joy
10. Thumper / Thumperet / Thumpie
We hope this article helped you find the perfect name for your new bunny. Please take a moment to tell us in the comments below what you named your new bun.
If you have a picture of your cutie that we could feature on our website and on our social media, send it to Stacey@RabbitPros.com.
P.S. If this is your first bunny, be sure to check out our Recommended Rabbit Gear, it will save you a ton of time and disappointment as you get the stuff you and your new bunny need.
I love Bunnilla Ice! How come only girl bunny names? I need more male names please ❤️