Disclosure: We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post.
Finding the perfect name for your new bunny is a big decision. We’ve come up with a number of rabbit name idea lists based on many different things. This article is all about rabbit name ideas based upon the color of your bunny.
There will be sections with lists of name ideas for each color of pet rabbit and we’ve linked each section below.
Rabbit Names By Color Of Bunny
- 370 Black Bunny Name Ideas
- 395 White Bunny Name Ideas
- 335 Red Bunny Name Ideas
- 184 Black and White Bunny Name Ideas
- 66 Blue Bunny Name Ideas
- 319 Brown Bunny Name Ideas
- 182 Grey Bunny Name Ideas
- 64 Spotted Bunny Name Ideas
Rabbit Naming Advice
When naming a rabbit you need a name that can be said clearly and doesn’t sound like any other command you might give. In addition, you should choose a simple bunny name that you can say even if you are excitedly trying to stop them from doing something dangerous.
Most of the time, I like one-syllable names for my bunnies, well really for all of my companion animals.
Regardless of what name you choose, I hope you’ll jump over to our brand new Bunny Friends group on Facebook and post of picture of your new bunny, and tell us her name!

370 Names For Black Bunny Rabbits
A-J Names | K-Z Names |
Abracadabra | Kanye |
Ace | Kapa (Black in Kazakh) |
Adrian (Black in Latin) | Kat |
Aka (Black in Uzbek) | Keira |
Albert (Fat Albert) | Knight |
Alva | Kobe |
Amaya (Night Rain in Japanese) | Kodiak |
Angus | Kona |
Anise | Kuro (Black In Japanese) |
Apollo | Kylo (From Star Wars) |
Ares | Latte |
Artemis (Moon Goddess) | Legend |
Arya | Leila (Night In Hebrew) |
Ash | Leo |
Asher | Leopard |
Ashes | Lewis Black |
Ashley | Liquorice |
Astra | Lucifer |
Astral | Luna (Moon In Spanish) |
Athena (Goddess) | Magic |
Atticus | Maleficent |
Aubrey | Melanie (Dark Skinned in Latin) |
Ava | Merlin |
Axle | Mi Mi |
Azur (Black in Egyptian) | Midnight |
Baa-Baa Black Sheep | Misty |
Bailey | Mocha |
Bamboo | Monkey |
Bandit | Moon |
Banshee | Morpheus (From The Matrix) |
Bartholomew (Bart) | Morticia (From the Adams Family!) |
Bat | Mr President |
Batman | Musta (Black in Finnish) |
Bean | Mystery |
Bear | Nakia (From Black Panther) |
Beau | Nebula |
Beauty | Nemesis |
Bebe | Neo |
Beelzebub | Nerissa |
Beetle | Nero (Black In Italian) |
Beetle Juice | Night |
Bella | Ninja |
Bellatrix (From Harry Potter) | Nisha (Night in Sanskrit) |
Bertha | Noche (Night In Spanish) |
Betty | Noir (Black In French) |
Betty Boop | Notte (Night In Italian) |
Beyonce | Nova |
Biggie | Nuit (Night In French) |
Biggie Smalls (Rapper) | Nyx |
Billy Black (From Twilight) | Obsidian |
Binx | Oden |
Black | Odie |
Black Adder | Olive |
Black Bean | Omen |
Black Beauty | Onyx |
Black Betty | Opal |
Black Eyed Pea | Ophelia |
Black Jack | Opie |
Black Panther | Oprah |
Black Pearl | Orion |
Black Thunder | Orpheus |
Black Widow | Orson Welles |
Blackbeard | Oso (Bear In Spanish) |
Blackberry | Ossidiana (Obsedian In Italian) |
Blackfoot | Panther |
Blackie | Pearl (as in a black pearl) |
Blackjack | Pepper |
Blacksmith | Pepsi |
Blake | Perle Noire (Black Pearl In French) |
Boomer | Phantom |
Bootleg | Pitch |
Boots | Pitch Dark |
Bran (Raven in Welsh) | Pluto |
Brenna / Brena | Poe |
Bronson | Poisedon |
Bruno | Pooh Bear |
Brutus | Poppy |
Bullet | Preto (Black In Portuguese) |
Calla | Prince |
Captain Sparrow | Puma |
Carbon | Rainy |
Char | Raisin |
Charcoal | Ramanda (Queen Of Wakanda) |
Chase | Raven |
Chocolate | Reaper |
Ciara | Rebel |
Ciggy | Regulus Black (From Harry Potter) |
Cinder | Rex |
Coal | Rogue |
Coco | Rorschach (Test) |
Cocoa | Rosaleen (Or Rosa) |
Coffee | Sable |
Cola | Salem |
Cookie | Sarge |
Corbin (Dark In French) | Sas (Or Sassy) |
Cosmo | Sasha |
Cosmos | Saskia |
Coven | Satin |
Crow | Scar |
Cruella | Schwarz (Black In German) |
Cub | Selene (From Underworld) |
Dahlia | Shadow |
Dakota | Shady |
Damien | Sheba (African Queen) |
Darth Vader | Shredder |
Dee (Dark in Welsh) | Silhouette |
Demon | Sirius Black (From Harry Potter) |
Denali | Slate |
Deva (Hindu Moon Goddess) | Slater |
Diesel | Sloe |
Dingy | Smokey |
Dracula | Snape (From Harry Potter) |
Dusk | Sneaky |
Dusky | Snoop Dogg |
Dusty | Sooty |
Ebon | Spade |
Ebony | Spider |
Eclipse | Spooky |
Ego | Stallion |
Elvira | Starless |
Ember | Starling (Black Bird) |
Emery | Stella |
Enigma | Storm |
Espresso | Stormy |
Estella | Stout |
Eve | Swarty |
Falcon | T’ Challa (King Of Wakanda) |
Fia (Dark in Gaelic) | Tank |
Fifty Cent | Tar |
Flint | Taz |
Foggy | Teddy |
Frankenstein | Teina (Black In Maori) |
Friday | Thunder |
Fudge | Tika |
Gabe | Tint |
Galaxy | Titan |
Godiva | Trinity (From The Matrix) |
Godzilla | Truffles |
Goliath | Tupac |
Good Natt (Night In Swedish) | Tux |
Goth | Twilight |
Granite | Ursula |
Graphite | Usher |
Grease | Usiku (Night In Swahili) |
Grizzly | Vader (From Star Wars) |
Gucci | Velvet |
Guinness | Vlad |
Gypsy | Voldemort (From Harry Potter) |
Haze | Voodoo |
Hefty | Vortex |
Hera (Goddess) | W’ Kabi (From Black Panther) |
Hex | Warlock |
Hitchcock | Wednesday (From The Addams Family) |
Hocus Pocus | Weezy (From Moving On Up) |
Hulk | Witchy |
Indigo | Wizard |
Indigo (Or Indie) | Xena |
Ink | Yasmin |
Ink Blot | Yaz |
Inkblot | Yeezy |
Inkwell | Za Za |
Inky | Zara |
Iris | Zeus |
Jackal | Zorro |
Jacob Black (From Twlight) | Zulu |
Jaguar | Zuri (From Black Panther) |
Java | Zwart (Black In Dutch) |
Jellybean | |
Jesper | |
Jet | |
Jethro | |
Jett | |
Jetta (Jet Black in Latin) | |
Johnny Cash (Man In Black) | |
Judas |

395 Names For White Bunny Rabbits
A-K Names | L-Z Names |
Abe | Lace |
Aiden | Lacey |
Al Bino | Latte |
Alabaster | Lawine (Avalanche In Dutch) |
Alaska | Lightning |
Alba | Lily |
Albina | Lotus |
Allie Baster (Alabaster) | Love |
Altoid | Lovie |
Anemone | Lumi |
Angel | Luna |
Arctic | Magnolia |
Artemis (Greek goddess) | Mammoth |
Artic | Marbles |
Ash | Marshmallow |
Ashley | Marzipan or Marzibean |
Aspen | Mayo |
Avalanche | Meringue |
Barbie | Miley |
Barry White (Singer) | Milkshake |
Beachy | Milky |
Bear | Milky Way |
Becky | Minnie Pearl (From Yee Haw) |
Belle | Missy |
Beowulf | Misty |
Berg (Iceberg) | Mond (Moon In German) |
Betty White (Actress) | Monochrome |
Bianca | Moonflower |
Bianco | Moonlight |
Birch | Moonshine |
Biscuit | Moscato |
Blanca | Mozart |
Blanche | Mr. Snow |
Blanco | Mystique |
Blizzard | Neige (Snow In French) |
Blizzy | Neve |
Blondie | Nieve (Snow In Spanish) |
Blossom | Nimbus |
Bluebell | Noel |
Bolt (From Disney) | Noelle |
Bones | Noodle |
Boo | Noodles |
Bubbles | Nova |
Bunny | Oberan (Fairy King) |
Buttercream | Octavia |
Calla | Olaf (From Frozen) |
Calla lily | Onyx |
Camellia | Opal |
Camille | Orchid |
Carnation | Oreo |
Cashew | Osiris |
Casper (friendly ghost) | Panda |
Cauliflour | Papier (Paper In French) |
Chalk | Paris |
Chalky | Paste |
Champagne | Patty |
Chantilly | Pearl |
Chardonnay | Pebble |
Charlie | Peppermint |
Charmin | Peppermint Patty |
Cher (Snow In Russian) | Persephone |
Chilly | Persia |
Chilly T | Petunias |
China | Phantom |
Chowder | Pilly |
Cirrus (Type Of Cloud) | Pingu |
Clams | Pinot (Pinot Grigio) |
Clara | Pistachio |
Clear | Polar |
Cliff (White Cliffs of Dover) | Polar Bear |
Cloud | Poof |
Cloudy | Popcorn |
Coconut | Popsicle |
Cokey | Porcelain |
Coldin | Porkchop |
Cole | Potato Salad |
Colgate | Powder |
Comet | Powder Puff |
Connor | Prince |
Coolwhip | Princess |
Coral | Puck (From Shakespeare) |
Cosmo | Puto |
Cotton | Q-tip |
Cottonball | Quartz |
Cottontail | Queen |
Crackers | Raja |
Cream | Razor |
Cream Puff | Reggie White (NFL player.) |
Creamer | Rice |
Creamy | Riesling |
Crest | Rocky Top |
Cringle | Rose |
Crispin | Royal |
Crown | Rumi |
Crystal | Sailor |
Cupcake | Salty |
Daffodil | Sands |
Dahlia | Sandy |
Daisy | Sapphire |
Dandelion | Savvy (Sauvignon Blanc) |
Denali | Scabiosa |
Diamond | Schnee (Snow In German) |
Dickens | Shaun White (Snowboarder) |
Dogbert | Shine |
Domino | Shiny |
Dove | Shiro |
Downy | Shorty |
Dr. Emmett Brown (From Back To The Future) | Silky |
Dumbledore (From Harry Potter) | Siren |
Dust Bunny | Sirius |
Dusty | Ski |
Egg Nog | Skipper |
Einstein | Sky |
Eis (Ice In German) | Smoke |
Elsa (from Frozen) | Sneeuw (Snow In Duch) |
Eskimo | Sno (Snow In Swedish) |
Everest | Snoopy |
Fairy | Snow |
Faith | Snow Cap |
Fang | Snow Drift |
Finn | Snow White |
Fiona | Snowball |
Flossy | Snowboard |
Flour | Snowflake |
Flower | Snowgies (From Frozen) |
Fluffer | Snowman |
Fluffy | Snowmobile |
Flurry | Snowstorm |
Foam | Snowy |
Fog | Snuggles |
Freeze | Spirit |
Frenchy | Sprinkles |
Fresh | Spuds |
Freya | Star |
Froid (Cold In Swedish) | Starlight |
Frosty | Starry |
Frozen | Starstruck |
Furby | Storm |
Gabriel | Stratus (Type Of Cloud) |
Gabrielle | Sugar |
Galaxy | Sugar Cookie |
Gelo (Ice In Portuguese) | Sunny |
Genvieve | Super Nova |
Ghost | Sven (From Frozen) |
Ghost Wolf (From GOT) | Talcum |
Ginger | Tapioca |
Glint | Targaryen |
Glit | Tarte |
Glitter | Taylor |
Glory | The White Shadow |
Grace | Tiara |
Gray Wind (From GOT) | Tiatian (Fairy Queen) |
Greenland | Tic Tac |
Gwen | Tiffany |
Gwendolyn | Tink |
Halo | Tinker Bell |
Harmony | Tofu |
Herbie (The Love Bug.) | Tommy |
Hibiscus | TP (Toilet Paper) |
Hiver (Winter In French) | Truffle |
Holly | Tulip |
Horchata | Tundra |
Hydrangea | Tux |
Ianco | Twinkle |
Ice | Valley |
Ice Cube | Vanilla |
Ice Ice Baby | Vapor |
Ice Man | Vinca |
Ice Queen | Vintern (Winter In Swedish) |
Ice T | Vodka |
Icee | Whisper |
Iceland | White Chocolate |
Icelyn | White Claw |
Iceman | White Elephant |
Icicle | White House |
Icing | White Mocha |
Icy | White Noise |
Iggy (Igloo) | White Russian (Drink) |
Ijs (Ice In Duch) | White Walker (From GOT) |
Invierno (Winter In Spanish) | White Wolf |
Iris | Whitey |
Isa | Winter |
Isabella | Wisteria |
Ivory | Wizard |
Ivy | Yeti |
Jack Frost | Yogurt |
January | Yucca |
Jasmine | Yuki |
Jasper | Yukon |
Jaws | Zola |
Jaws (great white shark.) | Zuri |
Jellybean | |
Jon Snow | |
Justin | |
Kallt (Cold In Swedish) | |
Kenzie | |
Kenzie (Fair One In Scottish) | |
Khaleesi | |
King | |
Klondike | |
Knight | |
Kris Kringle | |
Krissy (Krystal) | |
Kristoff (From Frozen) |

335 Names For Red Bunny Rabbits
Red rabbits are often as orange as they are red, so this list of names includes bunny names that would be suitable for both red and orange rabbits and those that are that pretty redish/orange color.
A-L Names | M-Z Names |
Ablaze | Macaroni |
Adele (Red Head) | Magenta |
Alani (Orange Tree In Hawaiian) | Mahogany |
Altan (Red Dawn In Turkish) | Mai Tai |
Alyson Hannigan (Red Head) | Malbec |
Amber | Mango |
Amber Rose (Red Head) | Maple |
Amy Adams (Red Head) | Maraschino (Mara) |
Anastasia | Marcia Cross (Red Head) |
Andy Reid (Red Head) | Marigold |
Ann Margaret (Red Head) | Mario Batalli (Red Head) |
Anne (Of Green Gables) | Marmalade |
Annie | Marmite |
Apollo (Red Head) | Maroon |
Apple | Mars |
Apricot | Mary Jane Watson (Red Head) |
Archie (Red Head) | Maureen O’Hara (Red Head) |
Ariel (Red Head) | Merida |
Arizona | Merlot |
Auburn | Michael Fassbender (Red Head) |
Autumn | Mimosa |
Axl Rose (Red Head) | Miranda Hobbs (Red Head) |
Bandit | Molly Ringwald (Red Head) |
Beets | Monarch (like Monarch Butterfly) |
Bella Thorne (Red Head) | Ms. Frizzle (From Magic School Bus) |
Bernadette Peters (Red Head) | Nacho |
Bette Midler (Red Head) | Naomi Judd (Red Head) |
Big Red | Nemo |
Black Widow (Red Head) | Nevada |
Blake Griffin (Red Head) | Nutmeg |
Blaze | Oakley |
Bloom | OJ |
Blush | Opie (From Andy Griffin Show) |
Bordeaux | Orange |
Brandy | Orange Soda |
Brick | Orangina |
Bridget | Ossie |
Brighton | Papaya |
Burgundy | Paprika |
Butterschotch | Peach |
Cabernet | Peach Cobbler |
Cantaloupe | Peaches |
Carmine | Peachy |
Carrot | Pebbles Flintstone |
Carrot Top | Penny |
Cayenne | Peony |
Cheese | Pepper |
Cheetah | Pepper Ann |
Cheeto | Peppermint |
Cherry | Pepperoni |
Cherry Pie | Persimmon |
Chesnut | Peter Pan |
Chester (Red Head) | Phoenix |
Chestnut | Pinot |
Chili | Pippi Longstocking |
Christina Hendricks (Red Head) | Pomegranate |
Chuck Norris | Poppy |
Chuckie Finster (From The Rugrats) | Prince Harry (Red Head) |
Cider | Princes Fergie (Red Head) |
Cinnamon | Pumpkin |
Citrus | Pumpkin Pie |
Clancy (Red Warrior In Irish) | Pumpkin Pudding |
Clay | Pumpkin Spice |
Clementine | Punkin |
Clifford | Quartz |
Colby Jack | Quasimido (Red Head) |
Colonel Mustard | Queen Elizabeth (Red Head) |
Comet | Radish |
Conan (O’Brien) | Raggedy Andy (Red Head) |
Conan O’Brien (Red Head) | Raggedy Ann |
Copper | Raspberry |
Copperfield | Reba McEntire (Red Head) |
Coral | Red |
Cranberry | Red Raider |
Creamsicle | Red Sox |
Crimson | Redford |
Currant | Reed |
Curry | Reed (Old English Surname) |
Cutie | Rhubarb |
Cynthia Nixon (Red Head) | Ribbons |
Dahlia | Robin |
Damian Lewis (Red Head) | Rojo (Red In Spanish) |
Debra Messing (Red Head) | Rojo (Spanish for red) |
Desert | Ron Howard (Red Head) |
Dorito | Ron Weasley (From Harry Potter) |
Dynamite | Rooibos |
Eclipse | Rooney |
Ed Sheeran (Red Head) | Rory (Red King In Irish) |
Eddie Redmayne (Red Head) | Rose |
Ellie Kemper (Red Head) | Rosebud |
Elmo | Rosie |
Ember | Rossa (Red In Italian) |
Emma Stone (Red Head) | Rosso or Rossi |
Eric Stoltz (Red Head) | Rosy |
Ewan McGregor (Red Head) | Rot (Red In German) |
Fanta | Rouge (Red In French) |
Fennec (type of fox) | Rowan (Red One in Gaelic) |
Fergie (Red Head) | Ruadh (Red Hair In Gaelic) |
Feu (Fire In French) | Ruby |
Feuer (Fire In German) | Rudy |
Finch | Rufus (Red Haired In Latin) |
Fiona (From Shrek) | Rufus (Red Head) |
Fire | Rupert Grint (Red Head) |
Fireball | Russet |
Firecracker | Rusty |
Firefighter | Saffron |
Firefly | Saffy |
Firefox | Sahara |
Firestarter | Salsa |
Firewall | Sangria |
Flame | Sansa Stark (From GOT) |
Flann (Red In Gaelic) | Satine |
Flannery | Scarlet |
Flynn (Gaelic for “son of the red-haired one”) | Scarlet Witch (Red Head) |
Fox | Scorch |
Foxy | Scully (From X-Files) |
Freckles | Seth Green (Red Head) |
Frito | Shani (Red In Hebrew) |
Fuchsia | Sharon Osbourne |
Fuego (Fire in Spanish) | Shaun White (Red Head) |
Fuji | Sherbet |
Garnet | Shiraz |
Gem | Shirley MacLaine (Red Head) |
Gilroy (Red Irish Surname) | Sienna |
Ginger | Sol |
Ginger Spice | Sophie Turner (Red Head) |
Gingersnap | Sorrell |
Gloss | Sparky |
Goldfish | Squash |
Goldie | Strawberry |
Grace Adler (Red Head) | Strawberry Shortcake |
Gypsy Rose | Sundance |
Harvest | Sunflower |
Hazel | Sunny |
Heinz | Sunny D |
Henna | Sunrise |
Hibiscus | Sunset |
Honey | Sunshine |
Hunter | Susan Sarandon (Red Head) |
Inferno | Sweet Potato |
Isla Fisher (Red Head) | Tabbytha |
Jack O Lantern | Tabitha (Red Head) |
Jam | Tang |
Jasper | Tangerine |
Jelly | Tango |
Jesse Tyler Ferguson (Red Head) | Terra |
Jessica Chastain (Red Head) | Tobasco |
Jessica Rabbit | Tom Hiddleston (Red Head) |
Jessica Rabbit (Red Head) | Tomato |
Julia Roberts (Red Head) | Topaz |
Julius | Tree |
Keegan (Fiery In Irish) | Tulip |
Kennedy (Red Head) | Twizzler |
Kenneth Branagh (Red Head) | Valentina |
Ketchup | Valentine |
Kumquat | Velveeta |
Ladybug | Vermillion |
Lana Del Rey (Red Head) | Vulcan (God of Fire) |
Laser | Wapasha (Red Leaf In Dakota) |
Lava | Weasley (from Harry Potter) |
Leif | Willie Nelson (Red Head) |
Lindsey Lohan (Red Head) | Wilma (Flintstone) |
Lobster | Wilma Flintstone (Red Head) |
Lois Griffin (Red Head) | Winnie |
Loki | Wynonna Judd (Red Head) |
Lolo (Red in Romani) | Yosemite Sam |
Lucille Ball | Zinnia |
Lucille Ball (Red Head) |

184 Names For Black & White Bunny Rabbits
These names are suitable for any bunny that is both white and black, including name ideas for spotted bunny rabbits.
A-M Names | N-Z Names |
Ace | Naomi |
Alex | Nixie |
Alfred (From Batman) | Nyx (God Of Night) |
Alice | Obsidian |
Almond Joy | Opus |
Amadeus | Orca |
Apollo | Oreo |
Athena | Oso |
B&W | Panda |
Bandit | Pants |
Barcode | Pascal |
Batman | Pasha |
Beetlejuice | Patches |
Betty Boop | Payton |
Bigby | Peanuts |
Binky | Penguin |
Black Tie | Peppa |
Blot | Pepper |
Bo | Persephone |
Boggle | Phantom |
Boggy | Phoebe |
Boots | Piano |
Buster | Pippa |
Butler | Pirate |
Calvin | Pixel |
Checkers | Pogo |
Chess | Poppy |
Chester | Professor |
Chevron | Puffin |
Chico | Puzzles |
Chip | Raven |
Chocolate Chip | Retro |
Cole | Rocky |
Comet | Rorschach |
Cookies n’ Cream | Roxy |
Cosmo | Salt & Pepper |
Dalmatian | Scout |
Dice | Scrabble |
Diego | Shady |
Dirty Dan | Shamu |
Dirty Dorthy | Shorty |
Domino | Sirius (From Harry Potter) |
Dot | Skid Mark |
Dottie | Skipper |
Dotty | Skitter |
Dusty | Skunk |
Eightball | Smarty |
Fedoria | Snake Eyes |
Fin | Snoops |
Frankie | Snoopy |
Freckles | Socks |
Galaxy | Sox |
Garbo | Speedy |
Gigi | Spot |
Godiva | Sprinkles |
Great Gatsby | Squeakers |
Greta | Stain |
Grimm | Starlight |
Groucho | Stitch |
Hemera (Greek Goddess) | Storm |
Holstein | Stormy |
Hyde | Swirl |
Ichabod | Sylvester |
Igor | Tipper |
Inkblot | Top Hat |
Inky | Tux |
Jack | Tuxedo |
Jasper | Vega |
Jazz | Vera |
Jeeves | Vesta |
Junior Mint | Vintage |
Kaz | White Party |
Kip | Whoopie |
Kiss | Ying Yang |
Klondike | Ying-Yang |
Korben | Yuri |
Lightning | Zebra |
Lottie | Zee |
Lucky | Ziggy |
Luna | Zigzag |
Mable | Zorro |
Mack | |
Mackenzie | |
Maddie | |
Magic | |
Magpie | |
Malachi | |
Marbles | |
Marceline | |
Marge | |
Maverick | |
Meezer | |
Mickey | |
Minnie | |
Mischa | |
Mittens | |
Mocha | |
Moki | |
MooMoo | |
Moon | |
Morticia (From Addams Family) | |
Motley | |
Mouse |

66 Names For Blue Bunny Rabbits
Blue is a recognized color of rabbits which is a blue-gray color.
A-L Names | M-Z Names |
Aqua | Mar (Sea In Spanish) |
Aquamarine | Marina |
Azul (Blue In Spanish) | Marino |
Azure | Mer (Sea In French) |
Bahari (Sea In Swahili) | Mystique (From X-Man) |
Beast (From X-Man) | Na’vi (From Avatar) |
Bla (Blue In Swedish) | Nebula (From Gardians Of The Galaxy) |
Blau (Blue In German) | Nigella (Blue Flower) |
Bleu (Blue In French) | Nightcrawler (From X-Man) |
Blue | Ocean |
Blue Bell | Oceano |
Blue Star | Pappa Smurf |
Blue Velvet | Petunia (Blue Flower) |
Blueberry | River |
Bluu (Blue In Swahili) | Ronan (From Gardieans Of The Galaxy) |
Brainy Smurf | Royal |
Celeste (Blue in Spanish) | Sadness (From Inside Out) |
Ciel (Sky In French) | Sam Eagle (From Muppets) |
Cielo (Sky In Spanish) | Sapphire |
Cobalt | Sky |
Cornflower | Smurfette |
Denim | Sonic |
Dory (From Finding Nemo) | Steel |
Flik (From Bugs Life) | Stitch (From Lilo & Stitch) |
Genie (From Aladdin) | Stoner Caterpillar (From Alice In Wonderland) |
Havet (Sea In Swedish) | Sulley (From Monsters Inc) |
Himlen (Sky In Swedish) | Topaz (Gemstone) |
Hyacinth (Blue Flower) | Verbena (Blue Flower) |
Hydrangea (Blue Flower) | Veronica (Blue Flower) |
Indigo | Zafiro (Sapphire In Spanish) |
Iris (Blue Flower) | |
Jean | |
Lake | |
Lapis Lazuli (Gemstone) | |
Lavender | |
Levi |

319 Names For Brown Bunny Rabbits
The official color for brown bunnies is chocolate colored rabbit. The bunny names on this list are suitable for any brown or chocolate bunny rabbit.
A-L Names | K-Z Names |
Acorn | Kahawia (Brown In Swahili) |
Aero | Kahlua |
Aklark | Kangaroo |
Almond | Kannella |
Almond Joy | Kasha |
Alton Brown | Kenai (From Brother Bear) |
Amaretto | Kern |
Amber | Khaki |
Antonio Brown (AB) | Kisses |
Aruna (Redish Brown In Hindi) | Kit Kat |
Ashen | Kitkat |
Ashley | Kiwi (bird) |
Aspen | Ko-Ko |
Auburn | Koda (From Brother Bear) |
Autumn | Kodiak |
Bacon | Komo |
Bagel | Kona |
Bailey Cream | Kopi |
Baloo (From Jungle Book) | Landra |
Bambi | Latte |
Bambo | Leather |
Barna | Lil Jon (From Disney Robin Hood) |
Bean | Lion |
Beans | Macchiato |
Bear | Mahogany |
Beaver | Mango |
Biscuit | Manure |
Bison | Maple |
Boo Boo (From Yogi Bear) | Marmite |
Bourbon | Marron |
Bramble | Marron (Brown In Spanish) |
Brandy | Marrone (Brown In Italian) |
Braun | Meatloaf |
Bronson | Milo |
Bronze | Mocha |
Brown Bear | Mochi |
Brown Eyed Susan | Molasses |
Brownie | Molly Brown |
Brun | Monkey |
Brunella | Moose |
Brunette | Motts |
Bruno | Mr. Coconut |
Bruno (A Roaming Bear) | Mudd |
Bruno (Brown In German) | Muffin |
Buckeye | Mugs |
Buckwheat | Nestle |
Buff Barry | Noodles |
Bunni | Nugget |
Burgundy | Nutella |
Buster Brown | Nutmeg |
Butterscotch | Nuts |
Cadbury | Oak |
Café Noir | Oakley |
Canela (Cinnamon In Spanish) | Oatmeal |
Cappuccino | Ochre |
Caramel | October |
Carmel | Orin |
Carmelo | Pancake |
Carob | Peaches |
Cashew | Peanut |
Castanho | Peanut Butter |
Cedar | Pebbles |
Cello | Pecan |
Chai | Penny |
Champagne | Pepper |
Charlie Brown | Pepsi |
Cheddar | Pine |
Chesnut | Pinto |
Chestnut | Pretzel |
Chewbacca (Chewy) | Puce |
Chewie | Puddin |
Chewy (From Star Wars) | Pudding |
Chip | Pumpkin |
Choc (for chocolate) | Radagast |
Choco | Raisin |
Chocolate | Raisinette |
Chocolate Chip | Reese |
Chrome | Riesen |
Cider | Rocky Road |
Cinnamon | Rolo |
Cleveland (From The NFL) | Rootbeer |
Clove | Roux |
Coca | Rufous |
Coco | Rus Russet |
Coco Puff | Ruskea |
Cocoa | Russet |
Coconut | Rust Roy |
Coffee | Rusty |
Coffee Bean | Sable |
Cola | Saddle |
Colby | Sahara |
Conker | Sahra |
Cookie | Sandbar |
Copper | Sandy |
Coral | Sanka |
Count Chocula | Sausage |
Crimson | Sawyer Brown |
Cronan | Scooby Doo |
Cub | Sealy |
Cupcake | Sepia |
Cuppa | Shelbie |
Curious George | Sienna |
Dapple | Sierra |
DeCaf | Sir Smudgy |
Dirty Harry | Smores |
Dolan | Snickerdoodle |
Donagh | Snickers |
Donla | Sorrel |
Donut | Soy (Sauce) |
Dr. Pepper | Sparrow |
Duncan | Spice |
Dunkin | Squirrel |
Dunne | Starbuck |
Dusty | Sucio (Dirty In Spanish) |
Dutch | Suede |
Eachann | Sugar |
Eclair | Summer |
Ember | Sundae |
Espresso | Sundance |
Fawn | Sunny |
Folger | Syrup |
Fondue | Tadder |
Forest | Taffy |
Forrest | Tanner |
Fox | Tapir |
Foxy | Tawny |
Freckle | Tea |
Freckles | Teak |
Froth | Teddy |
Fudge | Teddy Bear |
Galsaeg | Terra |
Ginger | Theodore Roosevelt |
Gingersnap | Tigress |
Godiva | Timber |
Goldie | Toast |
Graham (Cracker) | Toblerone |
Gravy | Toblerone (Toby for short) |
Grizzly | Toffee |
Guinness | Tootsie |
Harry Pawter | Tootsie Pop |
Hazel | Tootsie Roll |
Hazelnut | Topaz |
Hazelnut (Hazel for short) | Treacle |
Heath | Truffle |
Henna | Truffles |
Hershey | Twink |
Hickory | Twinkie |
Honey | Twix |
Horse | Umber |
Humphrey (From Disney) | Valentine |
Jack Daniel | Waffles |
Jack Daniels | Walnut |
James Brown | Wheat |
Java | Whiskey |
Jim Brown | Willow |
John Brown | Willy Wonka |
Winnie | |
Wonka | |
Wood | |
Woodchuck | |
Woody | |
Wookie (From Starwars) | |
Yogi Bear |

182 Names For Grey Bunnies
A-K Names | L-Z Names |
Alexander the Gray | Lacy |
Anastasia Gray | Lady Grey |
Artemis (Moon Goddess) | Lightning |
Arya | Lobo (Spanish for wolf) |
Ash | Lord Gray |
Asher | Luna (Moon In Spanish) |
Ashey | Lunar |
Ashley | Lyra |
Ashton | Marble |
Asteroid | Maverick |
Astra | Mercury |
Athena (Goddess) | Midnight |
Atlas | Misty |
Aurora | Mond (Moon In German) |
Birch | Moon |
Carbon | Moonbeam |
Cardoon | Mouse |
Cashmere | Mousey |
Charcoal | Nebula |
Chrome | Nora |
Cinder | Nova |
Cindra | Olive |
Clay | Olympus |
Cloud | Onyx |
Cloudy | Opal |
Coal | Orion |
Comet | Pearl |
Cosmos | Pebble |
Crystal | Pebbles |
Cyanite | Perse |
Dawn | Pewter |
Deva (Moon Doddess) | Phoenix |
DIrewolf | Pigeon |
Disco | Platinum |
Dorian Gray | Poppy |
Duke Of Grayson | Quartz |
Duna | Rain |
Dusk | Rainy |
Dusky | Reign |
Dusty | River |
Earl Grey | Rocky |
Eclipse | Sage |
Ember | Sandy |
Eve | Shadow |
Evening | Shady |
Everest | Sherlock |
Evie | Silky |
Falcon | Silver |
Fenrir Grayback | Silver |
Flint | Silverbell |
Floyd (Gray Hair In Welsh) | Silverman |
Foggy | Sir Gray |
Frost/Frosty | Sky |
Gandalf the Gray | Skye |
Gandolf | Slate |
Glacier | Slater |
Glimmer | Smogy |
Gra (Gray In Swedish) | Smokey |
Grace | Smoky |
Gracie | Smudge |
Grady | Sooty |
Granite | Sparkle |
Granny | Sparrow |
Graphite | Steel |
Graphite | Steele |
Grau (Gray In German) | Sterling |
Graycie | Stone |
Grayde | Stoney |
Graydiant Grady | Storm |
Grayson | Storm Front |
Grayson | Stormy |
Grey | Sunrise |
Grey Gatsby | Sunset |
Grey Poupon | Sylvia |
Grey Worm | Sylvie |
Greystone | The Great Grey Gandalf |
Grigio (Gray In Italian) | Thunder |
Gris (Gray In French) | Tinsel |
Griselda | Twister |
Gunnar | Vega |
Halo | Velvet |
Hazel | Vesper |
Hazy | Whisper |
Heather | Willow |
Iron | Windy |
Iron Man | Winter |
Jazz | Wisp |
Jennifer Grey | Wolf |
Jupiter | Zane Grey |
Kelabu | Zelda |
Kijivu (Grey In Swahili) | |
King Grayson |

64 Names For Spotted Bunnies
Ansel Adams | Lynx |
Bandit | Macchiato (Spotted In Itallian) |
Bengal | Madoa (Spotted In Swahili) |
Blemish | Marble |
Blotch | Orca |
Brand | Oreo |
Camo | Panda |
Checkers | Patches |
Chess | Patches |
Chip | Pit |
Chutney | Poka |
Dapple | Pokadot |
Dice | Pokky |
Dicey | Posto (Spot In Italian) |
Dominos | Repéré (Spotted In French) |
Dot | Sketch |
Dots | Snickers |
Dottie | Speckles |
Dotty | Splash |
Dumpling | Splotch |
Entdeckt (Spotted In German) | Splotchy |
Felix | Spot |
Fläckig (Spotted In Swedish) | Spot |
Freckles | Spotty |
Freckles | Stripes |
Harlequin | Sundae |
Harlequin | Sushi |
Holstein | Tapestry |
Jag | Tux |
Jaguar | Tuxedo |
Jot | Visto (Spotted In Spanish) |
Lugar (Spot In Spanish) | Yin Yang |
I hope you found inspiration in our lists of rabbit names by color. Be sure to leave us a comment below or to join us in our new Bunny Friends Group on Facebook to share a picture of your new bun and introduce him to your new bunny friends.

Your title is wrong. It’s actually 1915 names not 1832.