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Rabbit sheds seem to be quite popular in England but they haven’t caught on in America and the rest of the world. However, I think these ultimate outdoor rabbit cages should become more popular worldwide.
What Is A Rabbit Shed
A rabbit shed is a very large rabbit outdoor rabbit cage that is often made by converting a garden shed into a bunny house. Rabbit sheds are usually large enough that you can visit your bunny inside their home.
What Is A Rabbit Run
An outdoor rabbit run is a large, secure wire outdoor structure for a pet rabbit where they can get exercise and play. Rabbit runs can be of any size, as long as they are large enough for all bunnies inside to run, jump, and play.
The advantages of a rabbit shed include:
- Being able to play with your bunny in their home where they are most relaxed.
- Allowing your rabbit to have a bunny safe room to roam freely.
- Offers the ultimate weather protection for outdoor rabbits.
- Enough room for lots of rabbit toys and obstacles to keep your bunny entertained.
- Offers the best protection from outdoor predators.
- Gives your bunny his own home, instead of him living in your home.
- Giving your bunny the ultimate feeling of safety in an outdoor environment.
- Gives you comfort knowing your outdoor bunny is safe and secure.
- You can easily have multiple bunnies share a rabbit shed.
- Rabbit sheds contain bunny messes and make cleanup easier.
- You can safely add electricity to a rabbit shed to provide light, heat, and even air conditioning.
- It can be a beautiful addition to your backyard.
- It’s a great conversation piece!
Disadvantages Of A Rabbit Shed
- Rabbit sheds are big.
- They are expensive to build.
- They are nearly impossible to buy premade.
Rabbit Shed Ideas
I asked a bunch of my rabbit friends to share pictures of their rabbit sheds so you could become more familiar with what I consider the best outdoor rabbit cage.
We’ll start with some of the more basic designs first then work towards the fanciest ones. To be clear, these are all amazing setups!
P.S. If you have a rabbit shed that you’d like to share with your rabbit friends, send me an email at Stacey@RabbitPros.com.
We are considering offering a pre-build rabbit shed. Keeping in mind that it would be pricy, would you be interested in hearing more about it if we decide to move forward? If so, signup for our email list and let us know in the comments below that there is a demand for prebuild rabbit sheds.
1. The Rabbit Shed Within The Rabbit Run
These rabbit shed pictures are courtesy of Dawn F. You are going to love her setup.

First notice that her rabbit shed sits entirely inside of a huge bunny run. These are some safe and secure bunnies!

Now we take a look inside the rabbit run and you see the ‘bunny door’ into the shed portion of this lucky bunny’s home.
Also, notice all of the great toys to keep everyone entertained. You’ll also notice the rabbit litter box right out there in the opening where sweeping up messes is a breeze.

With this view you’ll see even more bunny engagement toys.
Check out the digging box with real dirt. You wouldn’t do that inside your home but inside of the Rabbit Shed home, it’s great!
Also notice a few more free-access rabbit hutches in the background to give these bunnies endless choices of places to relax.

This is a peek inside of the shed. Notice the stairs up to a loft with side rails and a window to look out at the world.
These bunnies are living a great life!

This picture just shows how Dawn wraps the outdoor run in plastic in the winter to give her bunnies even more protection.
Lots of people with rabbit sheds wouldn’t go to this extra effort, especially given that the bunnies have so many areas protected from the weather.

Finally, Dawn shared a screenshot from her Bunny Cam which she installed so so she can check on her cuties’ home from inside her own home…even at night!
2. The Rabbit Shed With A Hutch Inside
This is just a single picture shared by Chloe. It’s neat because it shows a different type of rabbit shed.

That’s the inside of a rabbit shed with the door open. Notice the hutch inside the shed to give them a smaller safe space while still having free run of their whole shed.
I think it’s worth noting the hard foam mats that are on the floor to soften things up for the bunnies. Notice how they are not all chewed up! I personally believe that buns that have lots of freedom and things to explore/play with are much less likely to chew up things.
I’m pretty sure that they have a temporary rabbit run that they can put up to let the buns have outdoor time while still having access to their home.
3. The Brand New Rabbit Shed
Faye shared these pictures of her brand new rabbit shed with us. It’s very cool to see because she really did start with a nice shed and just converted it into a dream rabbit shed.
This is going to be one pampered bunny with a great rabbit home.

What a pretty little shed! It’s going to make an amazing rabbit shed.

Looking in from the open door, we see a small bunny bedroom and a huge bunny loft. But wait for it…

The loft has giant bunny windows!
Also check out that ramp up to the loft. That’s living in style.

And here comes the lucky bunny checking out his new digs for the first time.
Also notice that they have created a protected outside area with some fencing. This lucky bunny will be safe and secure inside at night, but during the day he’ll have free access to the great outdoors!
4. The Rabbit Shed With A Lawn
Isabelle shared pictures of both her old rabbit shed and her new one with all of us. She did mention that she moved, but I think the design changes she made are really interesting.

This is Isabelle’s old rabbit shed and outside play area. It’s beautiful and so spacious.
I like the big pavers nears the edges of the run with open areas in the middle. That has to help keep the bunnies from digging out yet still gives the buns access to grass and dirt.

This is her new rabbit shed and outside bunny run.
I love how she split the outside area into two separate areas. I have to assume that this has a few great advantages.
First, you can keep bunnies separated if necessary because of either babies or just bunnies that don’t get along really well.
Second, I love that you could let the grass grow in one play area for a few weeks then switch the play areas. With a rotation of grass areas, your bunnies could have wonderful tall grass to play in and eat all summer long. Brilliant!

Look at those happy buns perched high over their beautiful grass. That’s a good life.
Also, note all of the human chairs in the rabbits shed and outdoor play area. Can’t you just imagine hanging out with your bunnies? I can picture myself just setting out there reading a book and enjoying hanging out with the rabbits.
5. Shorty’s Rabbit Shed & Outdoor Rabbit Run
This rabbit shed breaks from the norm of the others shared so far. Keri shared this picture of her smaller rabbit shed.

Isn’t that an adorable rabbit shed?
While you’re not going to be hanging out inside your bunny rabbits’ outdoor home, they still have an amazing place to live.
The advantage to a smaller outdoor rabbit shed like this one is that it’s going to be less expensive. The downside is that it’s harder to get in there to play or cleanup.
6. The Rabbit Shed With Movable Rabbit Tractors
Rachel shared a couple of pictures of her crazy cook rabbit shed setup. She is definitely thinking outside of the box.

You’ll see the actual rabbit shed on the deck on the left-hand edge of this picture. From there the bunnies can go out into another low bunny run also on the deck.
That bunny run is connected by bunny-sized tubing to another run out on the grass.
With this setup, you can move that second rabbit run around. If you added some wheels to that cage, you’d have a rabbit tractor and could let your bunnies manicure your whole yard with daily moves of the cage.

Check out the small hutch in the cage on the grass. Even when out here in the yard, if some predator were to fly over the rabbit still has a safe place to seek cover.
7. The Low Maintenance Outdoor Rabbit Run
Lisa didn’t share a picture of her rabbit shed, but the rabbit run attached to it was too pretty not to share.

Instead of trying to keep the grass growing, Lisa chose low maintenance wood chips with natural logs for the bunnies to play on and around.
P.S. Did you find the bunny in this picture? He’s pretty hidden.
8. The Rabbit Rescue’s Rabbit Sheds
The last pictures of rabbit sheds I have to share all came from Lea. It’s my understanding that all of these bunny homes are at a single rabbit rescue in England.
While I don’t have multiple views of any of these rabbit sheds, I think the diversity of styles might provide some bunny friend with the inspiration they need to build the perfect bunny home in their backyard.

The shed in this one isn’t really a shed at all. Instead it’s very nice rabbit cages inside of an outdoor ‘room’ for the bunnies to play in.

This rabbit shed has both the indoor living quarters and the play area within the shed.
If we do decide to offer prebuilt rabbit sheds, they are going to more like this one. Remember to signup for our email list and let us know in the comments that you might be interested in such a shed. We need to know there is demand before we proceed with such a costly project.

Another version of an all-in-one rabbit shed. This one looks like it has to separate homes…it’s a rabbit shed townhouse. LOL

A rabbit shed inside of the outside play area. Check out that hay manger…it’s adorable.

A couple more rabbit shed townhouses. These seem to have a central play yard. Looks like a nice place to live.

This rabbit run is attached to the rabbit shed on the side. That would make it super easy to get inside of the shed without being required to pass through the bunny run.

I’m assuming that this rabbit shed is attached to a rabbit run on a side we can’t see in this picture.
I think it’s a noteworthy picture to see how minimal a rabbit shed can be. There is a contained bed (the thing with the hole in the back) and a big little box full of hay.
With the feed bowl and unseen water bowl, that’s all a bunny shed really must-have.

This is such a pretty little rabbit shed.
Once again, the shed part is more of a rabbit hutch, but that’s all you really need.

What a great play area!

A better look at an all in one rabbit shed townhouse.

Another rabbit shed inside a rabbit run.
Cost To Build A Rabbit Shed
I know this question is rolling around it your head, but you also know it varies wildly.
A basic rabbit shed which includes an existing hutch inside a secure rabbit run will cost on average $300. A walk-in all-in-one rabbit shed that includes a rabbit run area will cost on average $750 if you build it from scratch. Converting a garden shed will cost about $300, assuming the garden shed was free.
Cost To Buy A Rabbit Shed
As I’ve mentioned before, we are considering building and selling complete rabbit sheds. While our design isn’t final yet, we do have estimates of the cost.
Buying a basic rabbit shed will cost you about $1,500. With customization to make it prettier or more comfortable for your bunny, a prebuilt rabbit shed will cost on average $2,500.
That’s all I got you about rabbit sheds today.
If you have a rabbit shed and would be willing to share pictures or even a video, please email me at Stacey@RabbitPros.com.
If you might be interested in purchasing a rabbit shed, email me too. We need to know there is demand before we proceed with this project.
Your Rabbit Friend,
we are interested in buying a rabbit shed.