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I came across the Teddywidder rabbit breed during my search for the cutest bunnies and rarest rabbit breeds in the world. This is a European rabbit and is rare even in Europe. In America it’s is nearly unknown, though some rabbit lovers are working on an American Teddywidder Rabbit.
The Teddywidder is an extremely rare German rabbit breed that goes by a number of names including Teddyzwerg, Teddykaninchen, and Teddy Dwarf Rabbit. They are dwarf rabbits that will grow to about 3.7 pounds. They have lop ears (floppy), and extremely long soft hair (2″ or more) covering their entire bodies.
Teddy Dwarf Rabbits hold the #6 spot on the list of The 10 Smallest Rabbit Breeds. These incredible cute rabbits differ from most other dwarf rabbits in that their fur is long and soft all over their bodies.
For example, Lionhead rabbits have long hair just on their heads. Angora rabbits have long hair, but are often raised for fiber (hair) and are sheared about every four months to harvest the fiber.
Teddywidders are not typically kept for fiber but are beloved because they are so darn cute.
To my knowledge, the Teddywidder is not officially recognized by any rabbit breed organization. This is in part because it’s such a relatively new breed, and in part, because its hair is so long that it might be detrimental to the rabbit.
The BRC (British Rabbit Council) announced a few years ago that they were no longer going to be accepting new breeds with coats that could affect the welfare of the rabbit. The long mat-prone hair on the Teddywider could be seen as a coat that could affect the welfare of the rabbit.
This means that it’s unlikely that the Teddywidder will be officially recognized any time soon.
Teddywidder Breeder?
If you are a Teddywidder Breeder who sometimes has Teddywidders for sale, I’d love to include your contact information in this article. Every month I have people asking for help finding these bunnies and I want to be able to help. This offer is open to breeders anywhere in the world. ~Stacey

The Cons of Keeping a Teddywidder Rabbit
The major con of keeping a Teddywidder bunny as a pet is also their major pro, their amazing hair!
Because their hair mats so incredibly easy, anyone who keeps one as a pet is going to need to brush them daily. And this brushing isn’t easy brushing, but slow and detailed brushing of every inch of the bunny.
In the picture of the Teddywidder below, you can see his hair beginning to mat on his back. If we could see his tummy, we’d have an even better example of how easily this beautiful coat mats.

If you don’t brush them daily, they will quickly become a matted mess, and second-hand reports have told me that in just a few weeks of missed brushings, a Teddywidder can get so matted that it can barely move.
P.s. If you have a long-haired rabbit, you need a hair buster brush. This is the easiest way to brush long rabbit hair with less pain for your bunny and stress for you. { Click here to see on Amazon. >>> }
American Teddywidder Bunny Rabbit
There are a number of rabbit breeders in America who are diligently working towards a uniquely American Teddywidder Bunny.
The American Teddywidder will be an entirely new rabbit breed, and will not be the same as the European Teddywidder. The American version is not being developed using European breeding stock.
The American Teddywidder is being developed by crossing various recognized domestic breeds; primarily Double Mane Lionheads, Fuzzy Lops, and English Angora rabbits. Through careful breeding selection, these rabbit breeders are working towards a consistent American Teddywidder.
The development of the American Teddywidder has only been going on for a few years and the rabbit is not yet recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA).
While each breeder that is striving to create a recognized American Teddywidder Bunny has their own specific goals, in general, through selective breeding they are trying to develop a healthy, happy, dwarf rabbit, with outstanding wool characteristics.
Once they achieve these goals, the next step will be to nurture many generations of the American Teddywidder until the breed can consistently reproduce bunnies with the same characteristics.
General American Teddywidder Standards
- Dwarf Rabbit of 2 to 4 pounds at maturity
- Gentle, calm, well-mannered personality to make grooming easy
- Silky sheen wool with an even texture and some guard hair throughout that is even texture and length on entire body except the nose and eyes
- Wool length of 2 to 4 inches
- Easy to manage wool
- High-quality wool that could be used as fiber
- Big bold visible eyes
American breeders are working towards an American Teddywidder whose wool coats need very minimal grooming to remain mat-free. Some breeders are already reporting early American Teddywidders that only need a simple blowout every week and the occasional brushing. This is very exciting.
Some breeders are already selling their own version of the American Teddywidder, but they are quite rare at this time and are pretty inconsistent at this time.
If you are a breeder of the American Teddywidder and have pictures you would be willing to share we’d love to include them in this article. Your rabbit friends would love to see the cute bunnies you are developing. Email me at Stacey@RabbitPros.com.
Finding a Teddywidder Rabbit For Sale Near You
It is incredibly difficult to find these very rare rabbits. It seems that they are a relatively new breed, even in Germany.
Some breeders in the US are trying to create an American Teddywidder Rabbit Breed, but they too are very hard to find. If you are a Teddywidder breeder please contact us and tell us more about your bunnies.
Probably the closest to a Teddywidder you’ll be able to find is a Double-Maned Lionlop which, while still rare, is easier to find than Teddeywidders.
~Stacey of RabbitPros.com
Do you sell the teddy widder rabbits and if so how much are they?
I’m afraid we don’t sell them. They are hard to find in the US.
If a US-based breeder of Teddy Widder Bunnies happens to read this, please contact us. We’d love to share your contact information.
I sell them in the US shannonslovedlops.com Thanks!
What two rabbits are breed to produce a teddywinder
I honestly don’t know. Sorry, I can’t be more help.
Does anyone else know? Leave us a comment below!
My daughter just bought an American Teddywidder in the Boston/southern NH area. A sweet rabbit.
Share a picture with us!
I’ll be getting my first pair of American teddywidders in January! So exciting!
So I would love to hear what you think about the rabbits. Thanks
I now have 7 Teddey’s. I had 2 litters which I have just sold the last 2. I just want to comment how hard it is to raise them. I did not know all about them until I got them and started researching. They were all matted badly and the first 2 weeks I spent cutting and clipping. I have to work 12 plus hours a day to bring them outside on nice cool days, then clean all their pens and at night I brush and cut out knots. Don’t get me wrong I really love them and doing the work. I needed something g to keep me busy at this time in my life and they certainly filled that spot. But it may be easier with one but each one poops a ton a day and pees. You need wire on the bottom of the hutch or pen so they don’t get the poop in their hair. Just be sure you are ready for a rabbit with long hair but they are the sweetest ever.
Will you be having any more babies and how much do you normally ask for them
I have some fuzzy lionheads that I’m working on getting closer to the teddy widder look. Located 15021 zip
We just acquired a Teddy from a local pet store. I had to do some research to figure out just what we had. I’ve owned a Netherland Dwarf in the past, so I new it was a kind of Dwarf rabbit. The Teddy (Teddywidder) was bred in Germany – a cross between an Angora and a Lionhead Dwarf. Ours is white with ruby eyes. It doesn’t have the mane of the Lionhead, but instead has the soft long fur all over his face and body, and erect ears. I will be getting a grooming comb and brush this week, he’s going to need it, and he can not be any cuter or sweeter!