How to Find A Lost Bunny Rabbit -- A 10 Step Plan

How to Find A Lost Bunny Rabbit — A 10 Step Plan

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I know the pain of losing a rabbit and how it feels when you’ve no clue how you are going to find your bunny. Let me start with a truth — Bunny escape stories are very common and nearly all of those stories have happy endings. Breath.

it’s not that difficult to find a lost bunny rabbit as you think.

If your bunny rabbit is lost, search the nearby areas thoroughly where they were last seen. Remember that its normal for a rabbit to hide in small dark spaces, so check under bushes and cars, behind appliances, and under or behind furniture where your rabbit can hide. Then Inform your, neighbors, local vets, rescue authorities, and pet shelters about your missing rabbit.

First of all, try not to stress yourself over your lost bunny. There is so much you can do to find them and you need to believe that you will get your rabbit back.

In this article, I will help with all the best possible methods to find your bunny rabbit when they escaped or got lost.

Can Lost Rabbits Find Their Way Home?

Rabbits don’t have a good sense of direction, but they can find their way back home. As rabbits like to explore their surroundings, your bunny rabbit is likely excitedly exploring new territories while you are worried about them. Still, you should begin searching for your bunny right away.

Rabbits are natural explorers; they like to explore new bushes and gardens because of their herbivorous nature. Indeed, lost rabbit stories end when the bunny came back home after their exploration.

By that, I’m NOT recommending you to assume that your bunny will come back on its own. The more time your rabbit spends outside in the wild, the more difficult its survival will be.

But first things first — Calm yourself down and hope that the bunny will return in a few hours, but in the meantime become to search for them following the tips below.

Start with the first tip, and work your way down the list.

10 Steps To Find A Lost Bunny Rabbit

1. Try The Food Rattle Trick

Most pets, including bunnies, know the sound of their feed bowl being filled up.

If your bunny has a favorite food or treats that brings them running when they hear the bag, box, or fridge door, give that a shot. You might bring her out of hiding in the next few moments.

2. Search The Rabbit’s Living Area

I know it sounds simple, but the best place to start your search is where the rabbit lives. 

I’m sure you’ve already begun your search, but I guarantee you haven’t looked everywhere.

Small rabbits are really good at hiding where nobody can find them easily. They can make your search even more difficult by camouflaging themselves by digging into their hay or burrowing under blankets. They are, after all, natural prey and hiding is one of their greatest skills.

Bunnies prefer to hide in small dark places. Look under everything and inside everything else. Here are just some of the places you should look:

  • Under Everything
  • Behind Everything
  • Under Their Bedding
  • Inside Shoes and Boots
  • In Boxes and Bags
  • In Backpacks
  • In Cabinets
  • In Closets
  • In Every Room, Even If The Door Is Closed
  • In The Toilet Paper Bag
  • In The Bathtub
  • In The Book Case
  • In Holes In The Ground
  • In Pipes
  • In Buckets and Flower Pots

3. Expand Your Search

Now that you have really searched everywhere in your bunny’s home, it’s time to consider that they might have actually got out of their home, whether they are an indoor or outdoor rabbit.

Still, your lost bunny rabbit may be closer than you think. Just because he is lost doesn’t mean he is far away.

If you haven’t yet, it’s time to ask for help. It’s better to have some friends and family members who help you search for your rabbit. They will likely look in places you won’t even think of searching!

If your bunny is an indoor bunny, look around the door to the outdoors. It’s likely that they didn’t go far if they somehow made it outside.

If your bunny lives in an outdoor hutch, check nearby gardens, bushes, fences, and buildings. Also, look in any nearby sandboxes where they might have dug a place to chill.

4. Inform Your Neighbors About the Missing Rabbit

Well, at this point you’ve searched everywhere nearby so it’s time to consider that they might be further away. If this is the case, it’s most likely that someone else found them.

It’s time to inform your neighbors that your rabbit has escaped.

Grab a picture of your lovely bunny and ask everybody in your neighborhood if they have seen your lost bunny. Be sure they know where you live and your phone number in case they see your rabbit.

Some compassionate people might join you in the search — The world is full of beautiful people!

Don’t forget to ask any outdoor workers in your area as they are mostly outside and might have seen your rabbit hopping around the bushes. This includes policemen, garbage truck drivers, lawn care folks, and anyone else you see outside.

P.S. Don’t forget to ask any kids you see, they are lower to the ground and more likely to see a little rabbit.

5. Put Out Food

If your lost bunny is hiding so well that you haven’t found them yet, they might come out later for their favorite food.

Put their food near the area that they escaped from and not out in the open where they wouldn’t feel safe. Ideally, put the food in a cage or box where they will feel safer and might be easier to catch if you see them eating.

If you have a live trap, this would be a good time to use it. It won’t harm your bunny and will keep them safe until you can bring them back home.

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6. Put Up the Flyers

At this point, you’ve searched everywhere you can think of and you’ve talked to everyone you can find nearby, so it’s time to consider that this is going to be a longer-term search.

It’s time to post ‘lost bunny flyers’ around your neighborhood.

Use a clear photo of your lost rabbit in the flyer with relevant contact details and other helpful information.

Put up the flyers on every nearby corner and near every crosswalk. When you go out to put up fliers, take tape and thumbtacks so you have a few options on how to hang the fliers.

You can also distribute your missing bunny flyers in the parks, community centers, veterinarians, and nearby stores.

Lost Bunny Fliers Should Include:

  • A clear and large header, e.g., “LOST RABBIT” or “MISSING RABBIT.
  • Contrast colors to grab the attention of the reader.
  • Important information about your pet (gender, age, coat color, collars, or spots)
  • Your contact information is correct
    • If you are afraid of writing down your original contact number in a public place, buy a prepaid phone and dispose of the number when the work is done.
  • Mention a reward but don’t specify the amount.
  • Print as many flyers as you can.

7. Try Social Media To Find A Missing Rabbit

Social media can literally be your friend in finding your missing rabbit. Don’t underestimate the power of social medial!

You can use Facebook groups and other social media platforms to share your missing bunny flyer. Using relevant hashtags can increase the reach even further.

Be sure to ask your friends to share your post about your lost bunny.

8. Check Local Animal Shelters & Pet Rescues

Maybe someone has found your lost bunny rabbit and taken them to caring professionals, so it’s time to check with those professionals.

Call local animal shelters and pet rescues to see if your bunny is with them.

9. Consider the Possibility That Your Rabbit Might Come Back Home

Don’t ignore the fact that rabbits do find their way back home. Even if many days have passed, there is still a possibility that your rabbit will come back home.

When you’re going to bed, don’t forget to leave your bunny’s hutch open — Your bunny may come home tonight. 

Be sure to put out fresh food and water. If your bunny comes home tonight, he will need fresh food and water immediately as he probably hasn’t eaten much throughout the day. 

10. Think Positively

The last thing you would want to do after losing a bunny rabbit is to give up finding him. I know it’s a hard time for you, but this will pass.

Keep searching and try to keep negative thoughts from getting you down.

Thinking negatively will divert your focus and won’t help you find your lost bunny.


Think of the positive ways you will celebrate with your rabbit when he comes home. 

I really hope that you’re reunited with your bunny soon. Until then, you’re both in our thoughts and prayers.



My name is Stacey Davis and my family has kept rabbits for decades. Here on we share our love of rabbits, our experience, and lots of research to help you enjoy your pet bunny even more.

11 thoughts on “How to Find A Lost Bunny Rabbit — A 10 Step Plan

  1. Thanks for the great information. I will continue to search for my lost bunny matter what. Hope to get back my bunny soon
    Miss u bunny

  2. THanks so much, a dear friend has lost her bunny, so I am sending her this info.. I hope she finds the little cutie soon ♥️

  3. I just lost my bunny 4 hours ago. I really hope she returns home. I tried everything you mentioned besides posting signs.

  4. I lost my bunny on 1st January. Today is the 3rd. I did a few of the steps mentioned above and yet to do more of the steps.
    These 2 days were tough for me and I ended up not looking for him much bcus I couldn’t get up off of bed. Everytime I went downstairs and sees the outdoor garden, my heart breaks.
    I’m going to do all these steps. I really, really hope I will find my baby boy real soon

  5. My little girl has been lost since 8th of march . . . today is the 18th
    my heart is broken to think she is lost,
    ive been miserable for the past 10 days and i hope i will find my little girl (Avry) soon.
    i have no more tears to cry but i really really really hope that this will help me find her.
    thankyou for making this page, and even though im only 11 i still have the courage to find my baby girl

      1. I am looking for my lost bunny and it breaks my heart to know he somewhere out there. I keep searching and doing everything I can – I even slept in a tent in an unsafe area and left it open so that he could step in. It is a nightmare come true. I really hope I can find him :´(

  6. I just lost my bunny and I’m looking everywhere but i don’t know where she went, just hope that she’s safe and not eaten by any other animal

  7. OMG! I went out at 3am to find Ballie! I only searched for 5 minutes and he came out of the neighbors backyard to me! He didnt let me catch him and I chased him home and he went in the way he went out! Now hes staying in his cage until I fix those holes! Ballie! you wild bunny!! He was so thirsty when he came home. Seems like he was in the “you can never catch me mindframe” people must have been trying to catch him. This was awesome! this article was inspiration to go out after everyone was asleep. thank you! Im so glad Ballie is home. This is the second day in a row he did this. Yesterday he appeared out of nowhere just when I thought someone stole him. Lo and behold to find out he had escaped! He was gone for hours! maybe the whole day I was at work.

  8. I am looking for my lost rabbit, but I live near the woods. There are mostly woods around here and we have been here for a few months. I hope your information works. He is very special to me and I am very lost without him. I am very afraid for him. He is just two years old. I asked a few neighbors. But I don’t know how long he been gone. He was here yesterday, but he has been gone since this morning. He could have ran away last night. He is an outside rabbit

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